Sunshine Coast Weather April

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Sunshine Coast Weather April

Average April weather on the Sunshine Coast, Australia

The lowest temperature (usually the lowest temperature recorded in the evening) on the Sunshine Coast in April is 17.0°C . The amount of rainfall in April is extremely high, reaching an average of 160mm . It is expected to rain for 11 days. The typical maximum daytime temperature is 26.0°C . If you love looking up at the beautiful blue sky as well as the sun, this is the best opportunity to visit the Sunshine Coast with 209 hours of sunshine.

What do you need to wear for April? Travelers to Sunshine Coast should plan on carrying a completely waterproof rain jacket because it is likely to rain. Make sure to bring shorts or an outfit since it could be extremely hot or hot.

Min Temperature17 °C
Max Temperature26 °C
Average Sea Temperature23°C
Average Humidity50% to 74%
Sunshine Hours209
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 5:56am - 6:11am
Sunset 5:46pm - 5:18pm
Chance of Rain38%
Rainy Days12

What is the weather like On the Sunshine Coast in April?


The April month on Sunshine Coast experiences essentially the same cloud cover, with the proportion of times that skies are cloudy or mostly cloudy being around 26 percent all through the month.

The clearest day of the year is April 4th, with the skies clear and mostly clean or partly cloudy weather 75% of the time.

Weather Forecast Sunshine Coast 7 Days

Weather in April On the Sunshine Coast


An rainy day is one that has at the very least 1.016mm of liquid or equivalent liquid precipitation. For Sunshine Coast, the chance of having a rainy day during the period of the month is decreasing by a significant amount, beginning at 36 percent and ending at 30%.


To demonstrate the variations within the month, and not only the total monthly we can display the total rain that fell over a 31-day sliding period that is centered around each day.

The average 31-day sliding rainfall in April on Sunshine Coast is essentially constant and is around 4.7 inches all through, but rarely surpassing 10.6 inches or being to less than 0.8 inches.


In April on the Sunshine Coast, the length of the day is decreasing. From the beginning until the close of the month the duration of the day is reduced by 41 minutes a mean daily reduction by 1 minute and 27 seconds and a weekly decrease by 10 minutes and 12-seconds.

The longest day of April is March 30 which has 11 hours and seven minutes of daylight. The longer day falls on one day in April with 11 hours and 49 minutes of light.

The earliest sunrise time of the month on the Sunshine Coast is 5:56 AM on April 1, and the last sunrise is just 14 mins later, at 6:11 am on April 30.

The most recent sunset time is 5:46 pm on April 1, and the first sunset was one hour earlier at 5:18 pm on April 30.


The humidity level of comfort on the dew points, since it is the determining factor in whether sweat will evaporate from your skin, which in turn cools the body. Dew points that are lower in dew feel drier and higher dew points are more humid. In contrast to temperature, which usually fluctuates significantly between night and day, dew points tend to fluctuate more slowly, therefore, while temperatures may decrease in the evening, a humid day will usually be followed by a hot night.

The likelihood that a particular day will be humid during the month of Sunshine Coast is very rapidly decreasing in April, ranging from 49 percent to 20 percent during the month.


This section focuses on the broad-area hourly average wind direction (speed as well as direction) at 10 meters above the ground. The amount of wind that is encountered at any given point is heavily influenced by the topography of the area and other variables as well as the instantaneous direction and speed can differ more than hourly averages.

The hourly average wind speed on Sunshine Coast is gradually declining throughout April. falling between 9.2 miles an hour up to 8.5 miles/hour through the month.

Water Temperature

Sunshine Coast is located near an enormous area of freshwater (e.g. ocean sea, large lakes). This report focuses on the broad-area average surface temperature of the water.

The average temperature of surface water on the Sunshine Coast is gradually decreasing in April. It drops by -16°C between 25°C during the course of the month.

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