Sunshine Coast Weather November
Average November weather on the Sunshine Coast, Australia
The lowest temperature (usually the temperature at which the minimum is observed at night) for the Sunshine Coast in November is 18.0°C. The amount of rainfall in November is quite normal, at 90mm on average (3.5in). The average rainfall is seven days in a row. The maximum temperature during the day is around 27.4°C. If you like looking at a clear blue sky and love the sun, this is the best time to visit the Sunshine Coast with 245 hours of sunshine.
What do you think of wearing in November? Travelers to Sunshine Coast should plan on carrying a completely waterproof rain jacket as it's likely to rain. Make sure to bring shorts or a skirt since it may be very hot, or hot.
Weather | Forecasts |
Min Temperature | 18 °C |
Max Temperature | 27 °C |
Average Sea Temperature | 23°C |
Average Humidity | 73% to 90% |
Sunshine Hours | 245 |
Daylight Hours Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times | Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets Sunrise 4:58am - 4:46am Sunset 6:04pm - 6:26pm |
Chance of Rain | 23% |
Precipitation | 90mm |
Rainy Days | 7 |
What is the weather like On the Sunshine Coast in November?
The month of October on the Sunshine Coast experiences gradually increasing cloud cover. The number of time skies is overcast or mostly cloudy rising from 27% to 31%.
The clearest day in the month is on November 1 which is characterized by the skies clear and mostly clean or partly cloudy conditions 73% of the time.
Weather Forecast Sunshine Coast 7 Days
Weather in November On the Sunshine Coast
A rainy day is one that has at the very least 1.016 mm of liquid or equivalent precipitation. For Sunshine Coast, the chance of having a rainy day during the month through November steadily increases from the beginning to 26% and ends at 29%.
The longest date of the month falls on November 1, and it has 13 hours and 7 mins of daylight. The longest day falls on the 30th of November which has 13 hours and 40 minutes of daylight.
The most recent morning sunrise on Sunshine Coast is 4:58 AM on the 1st of November. The first sunrise was twelve minutes later at 4:16 am on November 30.
The first sunset time is 6:04 PM on the 1st of November and the latest sunset occurs 21 minutes later, at 6:26 pm on November 30.
Through November on the Sunshine Coast, the length of the day is growing. From the beginning to the close of the month the duration of the day is increased to 33 minutes which is a mean annual increment by 1 minute 9 seconds and a weekly increase in the amount of 8 minutes and 2.
The latest sunrise of the month on the Sunshine Coast is 4:58 AM on November 1 and the earliest sunrise is 12 minutes earlier at 4:46 AM on November 30.
The earliest sunset is 6:04 PM on November 1 and the latest sunset is 21 minutes later at 6:26 PM on November 30.
The humidity levels on the dew point because it determines if sweat will evaporate from your skin, which in turn cools the body. The lower dew points feel dryer and the higher dew points feel more humid. In contrast to temperature, which usually fluctuates significantly between night and day, dew points tend to fluctuate more slowly, which means that while temperatures can fall in the evening, a humid day will usually be followed by a hot night.
The likelihood that a particular day will be hot during the Sunshine Coast is very rapidly increasing in November, ranging from 27 % to 50% throughout the month.
This section focuses on the broad-area hourly average wind direction (speed as well as direction) at 10 meters above the ground. The winds that is experienced at any particular location is heavily influenced by local topography , as well as other factors as well as the instantaneous speed and direction varies more than hourly averages.
The hourly average wind speed of Sunshine Coast is essentially constant in November, staying about 9.0 miles/hour all through.
Water Temperature
Sunshine Coast is located near the shores of a large lake (e.g. ocean or sea, or a large lake). This article focuses on the broad-area average surface temperature of the water.
The average temperature of the surface water on the Sunshine Coast is gradually increasing in November, increasing by -16.67°C, from the 22°C mark to 24°C during the course of the month.
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