The lowest temperature (usually the lowest temperature is observed at evening) for Maroochydore during January was 21.8°C . The amount of rain that falls in January is extremely high, at an average 143 millimetres . The average rain falls for 8 days in a row. The daytime maximum temperature is around 30.4°C . This is the most hot month for the whole year. If you love looking up at the blue sky and love sun, then this is the best opportunity to visit Maroochydore where you can enjoy 268 days of sunshine.
What should you wear in January? Travelers to Maroochydore should bring the most waterproof rain jacket because it is likely to rain. Bring your shorts and a skirt since it may be extremely hot or hot. With water temperatures that is around 25°C this is the perfect time to go swimming, so make sure you bring your swimming attire.