Mooloolaba Weather

Average January weather in Mooloolaba

In January, the average minimum temperature in Mooloolaba is 21.8d°C. January's rainfall averages 143mm. On average, it rains for 8 days. The average daytime temperature is 30.4°C. January is the hottest month. This is a wonderful time to visit Mooloolaba, which boasts 268 hours of sunshine.

What should you wear in January? Visitors to Mooloolaba need to bring a waterproof rain jacket as it may rain, but it will still be warm. It can get very hot or cold so bring shorts or a skirt. This is a great time to swim, with a water temperature around 25°C.

Min Temperature21 °C
Max Temperature30 °C
Average Sea Temperature25°C
Average Humidity70% to 90%
Sunshine Hours268
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am
Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm
Chance of Rain27%
Rainy Days8

Mooloolaba weather in February

In February, the average minimum temperature in Mooloolaba is 21.5°C. Average February rainfall is 149mm. It is the wettest month in the year. On average, it rains for 10 days. The average daytime temperature is 30.3°C. This is a wonderful time to visit Mooloolaba, which has 233 hours of sunshine.

What should you wear in February? Mooloolaba locals don't need a waterproof rain jacket as it is not often needed. It can get quite hot or cold so bring shorts or a skirt. We love to swim, with a water temperature around 25°C.

Min Temperature21 °C
Max Temperature30 °C
Average Sea Temperature25°C
Average Humidity70% to 90%
Sunshine Hours233
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am
Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm
Chance of Rain33%
Rainy Days10

Mooloolaba weather forecast for March

In March, the average minimum temperature in Mooloolaba is 20.4°C. March's rainfall averages 112mm. On average, it rains for 10 days. The average daytime temperature is 29.2°C. This is a wonderful time to visit Mooloolaba, which has 232 hours of sunshine.

What should you wear in March? Visitors to Mooloolaba need to bring a waterproof rain jacket as it is often raining. It can get very hot or cold so bring shorts or a skirt. This is a great time to swim, with a water temperature around 25°C.

Min Temperature20 °C
Max Temperature29 °C
Average Sea Temperature25°C
Average Humidity70% to 90%
Sunshine Hours232
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am
Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm
Chance of Rain33%
Rainy Days10

Mooloolaba weather forecast April

In April, the average minimum temperature in Mooloolaba is 17.6°C. Average rainfall in April is 65mm. On average, it rains for 7 days. The average daytime temperature is 27.2°C. This is a wonderful time to visit Mooloolaba, which boasts 239 hours of sunshine.

What should you wear in April? Visitors to Mooloolaba may want to wear tops, dresses, T-shirts, and skirts made from cotton or linen. For those hot days, shorts made from linen or cotton for men are a good option. This is a great time to swim with a water temperature around 23°C.

Min Temperature17 °C
Max Temperature27 °C
Average Sea Temperature23°C
Average Humidity70% to 90%
Sunshine Hours239
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am
Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm
Chance of Rain23%
Rainy Days7

Mooloolaba Weather May

In May, the average minimum temperature in Mooloolaba is 14.0degC (57.2degF). May's average rainfall is 62mm. On average, it rains for 6 days. The average daytime temperature is 24.7°C . This is a wonderful time to visit Mooloolaba, which has 199 hours of sunshine. May is a great month to visit Mooloolaba.

What should you wear in May? A rain jacket is recommended for this time of year, as it may rain for a few days. It can get very hot or cold so bring shorts or a skirt. This is a great time to swim, with a water temperature around 22°C.

Min Temperature14 °C
Max Temperature24 °C
Average Sea Temperature22°C
Average Humidity70% to 90%
Sunshine Hours199
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am
Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm
Chance of Rain20%
Rainy Days6

Mooloolaba weather radar for June

In June, the average minimum temperature in Mooloolaba is 12°C. Average rainfall in June is 69mm. On average, it rains for 7 days. The day can be very pleasant. The average daytime temperature is 22.0°C. June is the coldest month in the year. This is a wonderful time to visit Mooloolaba, which boasts 241 hours of sunshine. June is a great month to visit Mooloolaba.

What should you wear in June? It is recommended that visitors to Mooloolaba bring a waterproof rain jacket as it can often rain. It can get very warm so bring shorts or a skirt. This is a great time to swim with a water temperature around 21°C.

Min Temperature12°C
Max Temperature22°C
Average Sea Temperature21°C
Average Humidity70% to 90%
Sunshine Hours241
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am
Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm
Chance of Rain23%
Rainy Days7

July weather in Mooloolaba (Queensland), Australia

In July, the average minimum temperature in Mooloolaba is 10.4°C. July is dry with an average rainfall of only 24mm. It is the driest month in the year. On average, it rains for 4 days. It is possible to expect pleasant temperatures throughout the day. The average daytime temperature is 22.3°C. This is a wonderful time to visit Mooloolaba, which boasts 272 hours of sunshine. July is a popular month to visit Mooloolaba.

What to wear in July? Layers are recommended for visitors to Mooloolaba. Layers include a skirt, tee-shirt, shorts, and jeans for the day, and a jacket or sweater for the evenings and days. This is a great time to swim with a water temperature around 20°C.

Min Temperature10°C
Max Temperature22°C
Average Sea Temperature20°C
Average Humidity70% to 90%
Sunshine Hours272
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am
Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm
Chance of Rain13%
Rainy Days4

Mooloolaba weather for August

In August, the average minimum temperature in Mooloolaba is 10.9°C. August's rainfall averages 37mm. On average, it rains for 4 days. It is possible to expect pleasant temperatures throughout the day. The average daytime temperature is 23.6°C. This is a wonderful time to visit Mooloolaba, which boasts 269 hours of sunshine. August is a popular month to visit Mooloolaba.

What should you wear in August? A rain jacket is recommended for this time of year as it may rain on some days. It can get very hot or cold so bring shorts or a skirt. This is a great time to swim with a water temperature around 19.°C.

Min Temperature10°C
Max Temperature23 °C
Average Sea Temperature19°C
Average Humidity70% to 90%
Sunshine Hours269
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am
Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm
Chance of Rain13%
Rainy Days4

September weather of Mooloolaba (Queensland), Australia

In September, the average minimum temperature in Mooloolaba is 13.9°C. September is a dry month, with an average rainfall of 29mm. On average, it rains for 4 days. The average daytime temperature is 25.9°C. This is a wonderful time to visit Mooloolaba, which boasts 271 hours of sunshine.

What to wear in September? Visitors to Mooloolaba may want to bring dresses, tops and T-shirts, as well as skirts, made of linen or cotton. For those hot days, shorts made from linen or cotton for men are a good option. This is a great time to swim with a water temperature around 20°C.

Min Temperature13 °C
Max Temperature25 °C
Average Sea Temperature20°C
Average Humidity70% to 90%
Sunshine Hours271
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am
Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm
Chance of Rain13%
Rainy Days4

Weather Forecast Mooloolaba October

In October, the average minimum temperature in Mooloolaba is 16.6°C. October's rainfall averages 77mm. On average, it rains for 7 days. The average daytime temperature is 27°C. This is a wonderful time to visit Mooloolaba, which has 270 hours of sunshine.

What should you wear in October? Because it is often raining, visitors to Mooloolaba need to bring a waterproof rain jacket. It can get very hot or cold so bring shorts or a skirt. This is a great time to swim with a water temperature around 21°C.

Min Temperature16 °C
Max Temperature27 °C
Average Sea Temperature21°C
Average Humidity70% to 90%
Sunshine Hours270
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am
Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm
Chance of Rain23%
Rainy Days7

November weather Mooloolaba(Queensland), Australia

In November, the average minimum temperature in Mooloolaba is 18.9°C. The average November rainfall is 92mm. On average, it rains for 8 days. The maximum daytime temperature is 28.5°C. This is a wonderful time to visit Mooloolaba, which boasts 273 hours of sunshine.

What should you wear in November? Visitors to Mooloolaba need to bring a waterproof rain jacket as it is often raining. It can get very hot or cold so bring shorts or a skirt. This is a great time to swim, with a water temperature around 22°C.

Min Temperature18 °C
Max Temperature28 °C
Average Sea Temperature22°C
Average Humidity70% to 90%
Sunshine Hours273
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am
Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm
Chance of Rain27%
Rainy Days8

Mooloolaba weather in December

In December, the average minimum temperature in Mooloolaba is 20.6°C. December's rainfall averages 130mm. On average, it rains for 9 days. The average daytime temperature is 29.8°C. This is a wonderful time to visit Mooloolaba, which boasts 265 hours of sunshine.

What should you wear in December? Visitors to Mooloolaba need to bring a waterproof rain jacket as it is often raining. It can get very hot or cold so bring shorts or a skirt. This is a great time to swim with a water temperature around 23°C.

Min Temperature20 °C
Max Temperature29 °C
Average Sea Temperature23°C
Average Humidity70% to 90%
Sunshine Hours265
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am
Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm
Chance of Rain30%
Rainy Days9

Weather Forecast Mooloolaba 7 Days

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