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Nambour Weather

Average January weather in Nambour

Nambour's January minimum temperature is 21.8°C. January's rainfall averages 143mm . On average, it rains for 8 days. The average daytime temperature is 30.4°C. This makes January the hottest months of the year. This is the best time to visit Nambour, which boasts 268 hours of sunshine.

What should you wear in January? Nambour visitors should bring a waterproof rain jacket as it is often raining. It can get very hot or cold so bring shorts or skirts. This is a great time to swim, with a water temperature around 25.0°C.

Min Temperature21 °C
Max Temperature30 °C
Average Sea Temperature25°C
Average Humidity70% to 90%
Sunshine Hours268
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am
Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm
Chance of Rain27%
Rainy Days8

Nambour weather in February

Nambour in February has a 21.5°C average minimum temperature. Average February rainfall is 149mm, which makes it the most rainy month. This makes February the wettest of the year. On average, it rains 10 days per year. The average daytime temperature hovers around 30.3°C. Nambour offers 233 hours sun per year, so if you love blue skies and the sun this is a great time.

Nambour is a rainy destination so it's important to bring a rain jacket. You can swim in the water at around 25.0°C so make sure you bring your swimwear.

Min Temperature21 °C
Max Temperature30 °C
Average Sea Temperature25°C
Average Humidity70% to 90%
Sunshine Hours233
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am
Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm
Chance of Rain33%
Rainy Days10

Nambour weather forecast for March

Nambour has a 20.4°Cminimum (which is the lowest temperature at night) in March. The average March rainfall is 112mm. It rains on an average every 10 days. The average maximum daily temperature is around 29.2°C. Nambour boasts 232 hours sunshine per day, making it a wonderful time for those who love looking at the blue sky.

So what should I wear in March?! Nambour's weather is likely to be wet so make sure you bring a fully rain jacket. Because it can get hot, you should bring shorts or a dress.

Min Temperature20 °C
Max Temperature29 °C
Average Sea Temperature25°C
Average Humidity70% to 90%
Sunshine Hours232
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am
Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm
Chance of Rain33%
Rainy Days10

Nambour weather forecast April

Nambour's minimum temperature in April is 17.6°C. The average amount of rain in April amounts to 65mm. It rains an average of 7 days. The average maximum daily temperature is 27.2°C. Nambour is an ideal place to go if you like blue skies and enjoy the sun. There are 239 hours of sunlight.

Min Temperature17 °C
Max Temperature27 °C
Average Sea Temperature23°C
Average Humidity70% to 90%
Sunshine Hours239
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am
Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm
Chance of Rain23%
Rainy Days7

Nambour Weather May

Nambour's May average minimum temperature is 14.0°C. May has an average amount of rain of 62mm. It rains on an average 6 days. The average daily maximum temperature is 24.7°C. Nambour offers 199 hours sun, so if you enjoy the blue sky and love the sun this is a great month to visit. Nambour is famous for being one of the most beautiful months.

Min Temperature14 °C
Max Temperature24 °C
Average Sea Temperature22°C
Average Humidity70% to 90%
Sunshine Hours199
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am
Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm
Chance of Rain20%
Rainy Days6

Nambour weather radar for June

Nambour's average minimum temperature in June is 12.0°C. Average rainfall in June is 69mm. On average, it rains for 7 days. The day can be very pleasant. The average daytime temperature is 22.0°C. This makes June the coldest months of the year. This is the best time to visit Nambour, with its 241 hours of sunshine. Nambour is most popular in June.

What should you wear in June? Nambour visitors should bring a waterproof rain jacket as it is often raining. It can get very warm so bring shorts or a skirt. This is a great time to swim with a water temperature around 21.0°C.

Min Temperature12 °C
Max Temperature22 °C
Average Sea Temperature21°C
Average Humidity70% to 90%
Sunshine Hours241
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am
Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm
Chance of Rain23%
Rainy Days7

July weather in Nambour

Nambour's minimum temperature in July is 10.4°C. July is a dry and sunny month with an average of 24mm of rain. This makes July the driest year. It rains an average of 4 days. Very pleasant temperatures are possible during the day. The average daily maximum temperature is around 22.3°C. Nambour has 272 hours sun per year, which is great if you like blue skies and sun. Nambour's best month is July.

So what should you wear to July? We recommend layering for visitors to Nambour. You can bring a skirt or t-shirt and shorts to wear during the day. Jeans or jeans are good for evenings. It's a great month for swimming with water temperatures around 20.0°C , so bring your swimwear.

Min Temperature10 °C
Max Temperature22°C
Average Sea Temperature20°C
Average Humidity70% to 90%
Sunshine Hours272
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am
Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm
Chance of Rain13%
Rainy Days4

Nambour weather for August

Nambour's August minimum temperature is 10.9°C. August experiences a normal amount of rainfall with an average of 37mm. On average, it rains for 4 consecutive days. Very pleasant temperatures are possible during the day. The average daily maximum temperature is 23.6°C. Nambour offers 269 hours sun per year, so if you like blue skies and sun, this is the time to visit. Nambour is most popular in August.

What to wear in august? It will rain a few times during this period so bring a raincoat. Bring your shorts, or a long skirt as the weather can be extremely hot or very cold. It's a great month for swimming, with water temperatures around 19.0°C.

Min Temperature10 °C
Max Temperature23 °C
Average Sea Temperature19°C
Average Humidity70% to 90%
Sunshine Hours269
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am
Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm
Chance of Rain13%
Rainy Days4

September weather of Nambour

Nambour's minimum temperature in September is 13.9°C. September is a dry months with an average rainfall amount of 29mm. It rains an average total of 4 days. The average daily maximum temperature is 25.9°C. Nambour offers 271 hours sun per year, making it a wonderful time for anyone who loves the blue sky and sun.

Min Temperature13 °C
Max Temperature25 °C
Average Sea Temperature20°C
Average Humidity70% to 90%
Sunshine Hours271
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am
Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm
Chance of Rain13%
Rainy Days4

Weather Forecast Nambour October

Nambour in October experiences a 16.6°C average minimum temperature (usually, the minimum temperature is recorded during the night). The average October rainfall is 77mm, which is quite normal. It rains on average for 7 days. The average daily maximum temperature is 27.0°C. Nambour boasts 270 hours sunshine per year, making it a wonderful time to enjoy blue skies and the sun.

Min Temperature16 °C
Max Temperature27 °C
Average Sea Temperature21°C
Average Humidity70% to 90%
Sunshine Hours270
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am
Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm
Chance of Rain23%
Rainy Days7

November weather Nambour

Nambour's average November minimum temperature is 18.9°C. November sees an average rainfall of 92mm. On average, it rains 8 days. The average maximum daytime temperature is around 28.5°C. Nambour offers 273 hours sun per year, so if you love blue skies and the sun this is the time to visit.

What to wear in November? Nambour is a rainy destination so it's important to bring a rain jacket. You should also bring shorts or skirts as it can get quite warm. You can swim in the water at around 22.0°C, so make sure you bring your swimwear.

Min Temperature18 °C
Max Temperature28 °C
Average Sea Temperature22°C
Average Humidity70% to 90%
Sunshine Hours273
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am
Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm
Chance of Rain30%
Rainy Days8

Nambour weather in December

Nambour's average December minimum temperature is 20.6°C. December sees an average rainfall of 130mm. It rains an average of 9 days. The average maximum daytime temperature is around 29.8°C. Nambour has 265 hours of sunlight, so if you love blue skies and the sun this is a great time.

Min Temperature20 °C
Max Temperature29 °C
Average Sea Temperature23°C
Average Humidity70% to 90%
Sunshine Hours265
Daylight Hours
Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times
Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets
Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am
Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm
Chance of Rain30%
Rainy Days9

Weather Forecast Nambour 7 Days

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