Noosa Weather
Average January weather in Noosa
In January, the average minimum temperature in Noosa Heads is 21.4°C. January's rainfall averages 155mm. On average, it rains for 10 days. The average daytime temperature is 29.2 °C. This is the best time to visit Noosa Heads, which has 230 hours of sunshine.
What to wear in January? Because it is often raining, visitors to Noosa Heads need to bring a completely waterproof rain jacket. You should also bring your shorts and skirt, as it can be extremely hot or very cold.
Weather | Forecasts |
Min Temperature | 21 °C |
Max Temperature | 29 °C |
Average Sea Temperature | 23°C |
Average Humidity | 70% to 90% |
Sunshine Hours | 230 |
Daylight Hours Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times | Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm |
Chance of Rain | 36% |
Precipitation | 155mm |
Rainy Days | 11 |
Noosa weather in February
In February, the average temperature in Noosa Heads is 21.3d°C. February falls during the rainy season, with an average precipitation amount of 194mm. It is the wettest month in the year. On average, it rains for 11 days. The average daytime temperature is around 29.0°C. This is the best time to visit Noosa Heads, which has 203 hours of sunshine.
What should you wear in February? It is recommended that visitors to Noosa Heads bring a waterproof rain jacket as it can often rain.
Weather | Forecasts |
Min Temperature | 21 °C |
Max Temperature | 29 °C |
Average Sea Temperature | 23°C |
Average Humidity | 70% to 90% |
Sunshine Hours | 203 |
Daylight Hours Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times | Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm |
Chance of Rain | 38% |
Precipitation | 194mm |
Rainy Days | 11 |
Noosa weather forecast for March
The average temperature in March is mean minimum temperature at Noosa Heads is 20.2°C. The average rainfall of 161mm is extremely high. It is rainy for eleven days. The daytime average temperature is 28.0°C . It is the ideal time to go to Noosa Heads, which has more than 210 hours of sunshine.
Weather | Forecasts |
Min Temperature | 20 °C |
Max Temperature | 28 °C |
Average Sea Temperature | 23°C |
Average Humidity | 70% to 90% |
Sunshine Hours | 210 |
Daylight Hours Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times | Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm |
Chance of Rain | 38% |
Precipitation | 161mm |
Rainy Days | 11 |
Noosa weather forecast April
Noosa Heads' average minimum temperature for April is 17.0°C. April's average rainfall is 165mm. It rains an average of 11 days. The average daytime temperature hovers around 26.0°C. You will love Noosa Heads' 209 hours of sunlight if you like blue skies and the sun.
Weather | Forecasts |
Min Temperature | 17 °C |
Max Temperature | 26 °C |
Average Sea Temperature | 23°C |
Average Humidity | 70% to 90% |
Sunshine Hours | 209 |
Daylight Hours Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times | Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm |
Chance of Rain | 38% |
Precipitation | 165mm |
Rainy Days | 12 |
Noosa Weather May
Noosa Heads average minimum temperature in May is 13.8°C. May sees an average of 157mm of rainfall. It rains an average of 10 days. The day can be very pleasant. The daytime average temperature is around 23.6°C. You will love Noosa Heads' 205 hours of sunlight if you enjoy looking up at the blue sky and sun.
So what should I wear in May, you ask? Because it is often raining, visitors should bring a completely waterproof rain jacket. You can also bring shorts and skirts, as it can be quite warm.
Weather | Forecasts |
Min Temperature | 13 °C |
Max Temperature | 23 °C |
Average Sea Temperature | 23°C |
Average Humidity | 70% to 90% |
Sunshine Hours | 205 |
Daylight Hours Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times | Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm |
Chance of Rain | 33% |
Precipitation | 157mm |
Rainy Days | 10 |
Noosa weather radar for June
In June, the average minimum temperature in Noosa Heads is 11.6°C. Average rainfall in June is 110mm. On average, it rains for 9 days. The day can be very pleasant. The daytime average temperature is 21.5°C. There will be a few days when the sun shines for 190 hours.
So what should you wear to June? Because it is often rainy in Noosa Heads, visitors should bring a completely waterproof rain jacket. You can also bring your shorts and skirt, as it can be quite warm.
Weather | Forecasts |
Min Temperature | 11°C |
Max Temperature | 21 °C |
Average Sea Temperature | 23°C |
Average Humidity | 70% to 90% |
Sunshine Hours | 190 |
Daylight Hours Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times | Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm |
Chance of Rain | 31% |
Precipitation | 110mm |
Rainy Days | 9 |
July weather in Noosa
In July, the average minimum temperature in Noosa Heads is 10.0°C . The average July rainfall is 66mm. On average, it rains for 7 days. The average daytime temperature is 21.3°C. This is the best time to visit Noosa Heads, which has 210 hours of sunshine. July is a great month to visit Noosa Heads.
What should you wear in July? A rain jacket is recommended for this time of year as it may rain for a few days. It can get very hot or cold so bring shorts or a long skirt.
Weather | Forecasts |
Min Temperature | 10 °C |
Max Temperature | 21 °C |
Average Sea Temperature | 23°C |
Average Humidity | 70% to 90% |
Sunshine Hours | 210 |
Daylight Hours Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times | Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm |
Chance of Rain | 23% |
Precipitation | 66mm |
Rainy Days | 7 |
Noosa weather for August
Noosa Heads, August's minimum temperature is 10.2°C. August has an average rainfall of 83mm. It rains on average for 5 days. Expect pleasant temperatures during the day. The average maximum daily temperature is 22.33°C. It is a wonderful time to visit Noosa Heads if you love the sun and enjoy looking at the blue sky. There are 240 hours in the day. August is considered one of Noosa Heads' best months.
What do you need to wear in august? Travelers to Noosa Heads need to bring a rain jacket, as it will be often raining.
Weather | Forecasts |
Min Temperature | 10 °C |
Max Temperature | 22 °C |
Average Sea Temperature | 23°C |
Average Humidity | 70% to 90% |
Sunshine Hours | 240 |
Daylight Hours Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times | Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm |
Chance of Rain | 18% |
Precipitation | 83mm |
Rainy Days | 6 |
September weather of Noosa
Noosa Heads' average September minimum temperature is13.0°C. September sees an average rainfall of 56mm. This makes September the driest of the year. It rains an average of 5 days per year. The average maximum daytime temperature is around 24.5°C. You will love looking at the blue sky and spending time in the sun, so September is a good month to visit Noosa Heads. There are 244 hours of sunlight. September is one of the most popular months to visit Noosa Heads.
What to wear in September? You should bring a rain jacket in case it rains, since it is likely to rain for some days.
Weather | Forecasts |
Min Temperature | 13°C |
Max Temperature | 24 °C |
Average Sea Temperature | 23°C |
Average Humidity | 70% to 90% |
Sunshine Hours | 244 |
Daylight Hours Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times | Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm |
Chance of Rain | 19% |
Precipitation | 56mm |
Rainy Days | 6 |
Weather Forecast Noosa October
Noosa Heads' average October minimum temperature is 15.7°C. The amount of rain recorded in October is normal with an average of 75mm. It rains on average a total of 7 days. The maximum temperature during the day is 25.6°C. If you enjoy looking at the blue sky and the sun than this is the perfect time to visit Noosa Heads with 255 hours of sunshine.
What is the best outfit to wear in October? Anyone who plans to visit Noosa Heads should plan on bringing a totally waterproof rain jacket since it is likely to rain. It could get extremely cold or hot, so pack shorts or an oversized skirt.
Weather | Forecasts |
Min Temperature | 16 °C |
Max Temperature | 27 °C |
Average Sea Temperature | 21 °C |
Average Humidity | 70% to 90% |
Sunshine Hours | 270 |
Daylight Hours Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times | Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm |
Chance of Rain | 23% |
Precipitation | 77mm |
Rainy Days | 7 |
November weather Noosa
The lowest temperature (usually the lowest temperature is observed at nights) for Maroochydore during November was 18°C. The amount of rainfall in November is extremely high, reaching an average of 92 millimetres. It is expected to rain eight days. The maximum temperature during the day is 28°C. If you love looking up at the blue sky and love sun, then this is the perfect time to visit Maroochydore and enjoy 273 hours sunshine.
What should you wear for November? Travelers to Maroochydore should bring an entirely waterproof rain jacket as it's likely to rain. Make sure to bring shorts or skirt since it may be extremely hot or hot. With an average water temperature that is around 22°C, this is the perfect time to go swimming, so make sure you bring your clothes for swimming.
Weather | Forecasts |
Min Temperature | 15 °C |
Max Temperature | 25 °C |
Average Sea Temperature | 23°C |
Average Humidity | 70% to 90% |
Sunshine Hours | 255 |
Daylight Hours Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times | Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm |
Chance of Rain | 30% |
Precipitation | 75mm |
Rainy Days | 7 |
Noosa weather in December
In December, the average minimum temperature in Noosa Heads is 20.0°C. December's rainfall averages 151mm. On average, it rains for 10 days. The maximum daytime temperature is 28.5°C. This is the best time to visit Noosa Heads, which boasts 250 hours of sunshine.
What should you wear in December? It is recommended that visitors to Noosa Heads bring a waterproof rain jacket as it can often rain. It can get very hot or cold so bring shorts or a skirt.
Weather | Forecasts |
Min Temperature | 18 °C |
Max Temperature | 27 °C |
Average Sea Temperature | 23°C |
Average Humidity | 70% to 90% |
Sunshine Hours | 245 |
Daylight Hours Beginning of Month to End of Month Approx. Times | Daylight Trend: Days shortening - later sunrises earlier sunsets Sunrise 5:21am - 5:40am Sunset 6:40pm - 6:20pm |
Chance of Rain | 30% |
Precipitation | 90mm |
Rainy Days | 7 |